My Employee Broke a Leg on the Job. Now What?

So your business is doing well enough for you to hire employees. Unfortunately, stuff happens. And in this particular case, the stuff was your employee having an accident on the job that resulted in serious injury, such as a broken leg. This is why you need commercial insurance, to help you pay for things such as worker’s compensation. This way, your employee’s bills are paid, you don’t go broke, and everybody is happy. (Well, happier than they would be without it.) 

First Things First 

Right after the accident happens, get medical treatment right away. Tell the medical providers exactly what happened and see that everyone else is safe. You will need medical records to link the injury to the workplace. Remember that some serious injury symptoms might not show up for several hours to a few days. Keep in mind that you are responsible for an injured employee. Gather as much info as you can. If the injury results in hospitalization, you have eight hours to contact OSHA. File the claim with your insurance agency with all the documentation at the ready. If your worker returns to the job with restrictions, you must accommodate. Keep in mind that domestic workers, farm workers, and seasonal workers are often not covered by worker’s compensation. 

Ottawa Insurance Agency Serving Zeeland, MI

If you are in Zeeland, MI, and are in the commercial insurance market, please get in touch with Ottawa Insurance Agency. Our courteous, knowledgeable, and helpful agents will do all that they can to help you find the insurance policy that best suits your individual needs. 

Tips for creating a safer home

Safety in the home is a major concern. You need to be safe from the outside and make your home safer inside. According to the National Safety Council, more than 50 percent of accidents happen at home. At Ottawa Insurance Agency in Zeeland, MI, we are independent insurance agents who help ensure that our clients have a home that is as safe from risk as possible. 

Outdoor Safety

If you have a swimming pool, you need a self-locking gate on the fence that protects children from your pool. If you have an above-ground pool, a removable ladder or folds up when the pool is not in use is essential. Accidental drowning is the third most common unintentional cause of death in the world. 

Keep your bushes and trees trimmed and in good health. High bushes close to your home pose a safety issue, and trees with dead limbs can damage your home, vehicle, or family when they fall. 

Indoor Safety

Inside your home, ensuring that your smoke and CO2 detectors are operational and have fresh backup batteries can save your life. Maintaining your furnace and cleaning the chimney and furnace yearly protects you and your family from a fire. 

Controlling the clutter in your home makes it safer for getting around. Trips and falls are major causes of injury in the home, and, especially for young children and the elderly, clutter in hallways and on stairs can be a serious hazard. 

Keep all medication and poisonous chemicals under lock and key and out of the reach of children and pets. Curiosity is a bad thing when it comes to these things. 

If you live in Zeeland, MI, or the surrounding area, call our office at Ottawa Insurance Agency for all your home insurance needs. 

Four Tips To Help You Compare Auto Insurance Providers in Zeeland

How to Find the Best Auto Insurance in Zeeland, MI

Michigan is known for its scenic landscapes and rural beauty; Zeeland is no exception. However, peace and tranquility can be marred without the right auto insurance coverage. Here are some pointers for locating excellent coverage at affordable rates:

Evaluate Companies for Reputation and Financial Strength

An insurer’s financial stability and reputation are paramount. Use customer reviews to assess their claim handling process and customer service standards. Look past just the good reviews and investigate the negative ones as well.

Consider the Coverage Options

Inspect what each company offers beyond basic liability coverage. Is there comprehensive, collision, and underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage? Do they offer valuable add-ons like roadside assistance and rental car reimbursement?

Analyze User Experience and Website Usability

Website navigation and overall user experience can speak volumes about a company. Is getting a quote straightforward and fast? How simple is their claims process? Check if the company provides round-the-clock customer support and has a proven track record for efficient claims handling.

Compare Rates Based on Your Personal Profile

Request quotes from your chosen insurers using details like age, vehicle type, and driving history. These factors can greatly influence the rate you are offered.

Finding the Right Balance

Finding the best auto insurance in Zeeland, MI, involves time and comprehensive research. It’s crucial to find a provider, like our reputable company, Ottawa Insurance Agency, that takes a balanced approach to service, quality, and coverage.

Every Business Needs Commercial Insurance

Whether it’s a startup hoping to become a legacy or a large corporation serving generations of customers, the joy of contributing to the business world is immense. However, business risks are a reality, too. Commercial insurance plays a vital role in securing businesses, irrespective of their size. This article aims to assist business owners from Zeeland, MI in understanding the importance of working with a professional insurance team such as Ottawa Insurance Agency.

Planning for Success with Commercial Insurance Solutions

The notion that the more you lose, the more you need protection rings true for business owners. Consider a small business owner whose livelihood depends on their venture. The stakes are high, and the devastation from an unfortunate event like a fire could be enormous. Similarly, established businesses stand to lose substantial wealth in the event of a disastrous flood destroying their warehouse full of inventory.

Commercial Insurance is non-negotiable.

The point is, irrespective of your business size, commercial insurance isn’t a luxury but a necessity. It protects your storefront, income source, and the continuity of your success. That is why it’s critical to collaborate with seasoned insurance experts who understand your business needs and concerns.

We Cater to All Your Commercial Insurance Needs

Are you a Zeeland, MI business owner seeking a deeper understanding of commercial insurance, or want to learn how our trusted team at Ottawa Insurance Agency can help? Contact us today to explore the right commercial insurance solutions to give your business the protection it deserves.

Every Business Needs Commercial Insurance

Whether it’s a startup hoping to become a legacy or a large corporation serving generations of customers, the joy of contributing to the business world is immense. However, business risks are a reality, too. Commercial insurance plays a vital role in securing businesses, irrespective of their size. This article aims to assist business owners from Zeeland, MI in understanding the importance of working with a professional insurance team such as Ottawa Insurance Agency.

Planning for Success with Commercial Insurance Solutions

The notion that the more you lose, the more you need protection rings true for business owners. Consider a small business owner whose livelihood depends on their venture. The stakes are high, and the devastation from an unfortunate event like a fire could be enormous. Similarly, established businesses stand to lose substantial wealth in the event of a disastrous flood destroying their warehouse full of inventory.

Commercial Insurance is non-negotiable.

The point is, irrespective of your business size, commercial insurance isn’t a luxury but a necessity. It protects your storefront, income source, and the continuity of your success. That is why it’s critical to collaborate with seasoned insurance experts who understand your business needs and concerns.

We Cater to All Your Commercial Insurance Needs

Are you a Zeeland, MI business owner seeking a deeper understanding of commercial insurance, or want to learn how our trusted team at Ottawa Insurance Agency can help? Contact us today to explore the right commercial insurance solutions to give your business the protection it deserves.

Is Home Insurance the Same as a Home Warranty?

Home Insurance and Home Warranty: Understanding the Difference

At Ottawa Insurance Agency serving Zeeland, MI, we prioritize the protection of homeowners’ investments. There’s a common myth circulating that home insurance and home warranties are the same products, but this is not true. Despite both services playing pivotal roles in maintaining home assets, they serve distinct purposes and cover different aspects of home ownership.

Defining Home Insurance

Home insurance, also known as homeowners’ insurance, safeguards the value of your property against loss and damage from various incidents, including fire, storms, theft, and vandalism. Your mortgage lender necessitates home insurance to protect their stake in the property. However, retaining coverage even after settling a mortgage offers an added layer of financial protection.

What Does a Home Warranty Cover?

A home warranty operates like a service contract. It’s designed to cover the repair and replacement costs of major home systems and appliances degrading over time due to wear and tear. Warranties can be particularly beneficial for items that frequently break down, such as HVAC systems, plumbing, electrical systems, and kitchen appliances. It’s noteworthy that a home warranty doesn’t cover the physical structure of a home but rather some of its contents and utility systems.

At Ottawa Insurance Agency serving Zeeland, MI, we recommend homeowners maintain both home insurance and a home warranty. This ensures comprehensive coverage for both the property itself and its major appliances. For more information, get in touch with us today.

Beyond Basic Coverage: 5 Benefits of Umbrella Insurance for Homeowners

If you’re a Michigan homeowner looking for effective ways to shield your home and finances from extensive losses, consider investing in an umbrella insurance policy from Ottawa Insurance Agency in Zeeland, MI. 

5 Benefits of Umbrella Insurance for Homeowners

Benefit #1. Extended Liability Coverage

One of the primary benefits of Michigan umbrella insurance is that this add-on insurance extends the limits of existing liability coverage for homeowners with active policies. 

Benefit #2. Protections for Personal Assets 

Umbrella insurance policies can safeguard personal assets, including savings accounts, investment accounts, and other valuable possessions, from devastating losses associated with mishaps and unforeseen circumstances.

Benefit #3. – Coverage for Legal Fees

Local homeowners who find themselves entangled in legal disputes benefit from umbrella insurance, which can add financial protection for legal disputes. 

Benefit #4. Flexible Coverage Options

Adding umbrella insurance to an existing home or auto policy gives policyholders a broad spectrum of protection from incidents related to automobile accidents, guest injuries on their property, and even lawsuits. 

Benefit #5. – Peace of Mind 

Zeeland, MI homeowners who opt for umbrella insurance have peace of mind in knowing that their most prized investments and possessions are shielded from extensive financial losses and can be repaired or replaced if an incident occurs. 

Start an Umbrella Insurance Policy

Starting an umbrella insurance policy is easy when you contact the trusted professionals at Ottawa Insurance Agency. Licensed and experienced agents can guide you through the steps of scheduling a consultation, receiving an umbrella insurance quote, and finalizing your new policy. Don’t wait until it’s too late to shield your home and assets from unexpected financial losses. Reach out to us today. 

Life Insurance FAQs

If you are in need of a life insurance agency in Zeeland, MI, you can count on Ottawa Insurance Agency to have the insurance that you need. We are an independent insurance agency, which means we deal with multiple carriers. We provide more choices and the best possible rates. 

Life Insurance FAQs

Do I need life insurance if I don’t have a family?

When exactly life insurance becomes a necessity is one of the most common questions that people have. You need life insurance if anyone depends on your income or if you have debts and obligations that might fall on your loved ones if anything happens to you. Life insurance can also be part of a lifelong financial plan, so talk to your insurance agent about what is right for you. 

Can life insurance be canceled?

Yes, life insurance can be canceled. The most common reason is nonpayment of premiums. If you are in financial difficulties, talk to your insurance carrier and see if there is anything you can do to retain your coverage. Your life insurance can also be canceled if you lie on your application. This could potentially cost your loved ones the support they are counting on. The long and short is, be honest when you apply for life insurance. 

How much life insurance is enough?

Life insurance needs are a very personal thing. You must take into account your yearly salary, the age and number of dependents you have, and how long you will need to supply support. If your partner works, they may be able to provide some of the support, but if the children are young, they may not be able to work. All of these things go into figuring out how much life insurance is enough. 

Consult With Us

Give our office a call at Ottawa Insurance Agency in Zeeland, MI to discuss your life insurance needs and to get a no-obligation quote. 


What can happen to me if I am caught driving with no auto insurance?

Driving without insurance in Zeeland, MI is serious and can lead to serious consequences. At Ottawa Insurance Agency, we want to make sure you have the insurance you need, not just to comply with the law but to protect your interests.

Criminal Consequences

The most serious consequence you may be facing if you are caught driving without insurance in Michigan is up to a year of jail time.  The offense goes on your criminal record just like any other crime and will show up in a background check.


The judge can decide how much to fine you. The minimum fine is $200, and the maximum is $500. Even if you pay your fine, you could also face jail time in addition to the fines.

Driver’s License Suspension

If you are found to be driving without insurance, the Michigan Secretary of State can suspend your driving privileges until you have the proper insurance. That means no driving to work, school, or anywhere else.

Non Renewal of License Plates

Any vehicle under your name can not be registered until you provide proof of insurance. This counts for renewals too.

Responsibility For Anything That Happens During an Accident

This can affect you more than any of the other consequences. If you do not have insurance during an accident, you cannot sue the driver who caused the accident, and you will be expected to pay for your own medical expenses.

Consult With Us

Zeeland, MI drivers have a choice about what kind of insurance they want and how much coverage they think they need. Beyond the minimal legal requirements, there are several other options. Call Ottawa Insurance Agency today if you would like to learn more so you can make an informed decision.

Commercial Insurance: What to Know About Worker’s Compensation

Commercial Insurance is a big part of our business here at Ottawa Insurance Agency, including worker’s compensation insurance. Worker’s compensation is a mandated type of insurance that all Zeeland, MI businesses need to have. It’s designed to ensure employees who suffer work-related illnesses and injuries get the finances they need to recover, but employers also benefit from this style of commercial insurance.

Commercial Insurance: How Businesses Benefit From Worker’s Compensation

  • Financial protection all around. Worker’s compensation pays out injured or sick employees in exchange for the employer paying a set premium per employee. Yet, by ensuring that workers are paid out when needed, this style of commercial insurance protects employers from carrying the weight of such potentially excessive costs on their own, out-of-pocket.
  • Legal protection. Without worker’s compensation, employees may find themselves needing to file a lawsuit in order to get the financial compensation they need to heal following an accident. Worker’s compensation insurance and worker’s compensation laws significantly limit an employee’s ability to sue for a worksite injury or incident (with the exception of cases related to negligence). This legal protection further protects the finances of a business, ensuring it can continue to operate following an incident.
  • Employee morale and retention. Strong worker’s compensation insurance and policies show employees that a business cares about them and that their needs will be covered in the event of a workplace injury or illness.

Reach Out To Us

Every business is mandated to have worker’s compensation insurance by state and federal law, but there are choices here as with other types of commercial insurance. Contact our team at Ottawa Insurance Agency to learn more and to talk with a friendly representative about getting the best commercial insurance package for your Zeeland, MI business.